163 N Pioneer Ave, Shavertown, PA 18708
(570) 675-3616

What to Expect

Welcome! We are glad your search has led you to Shavertown United Methodist Church!  We want your worship experience to be comfortable and welcoming!  Here are some answers to often asked questions when you’re visiting a new church:

Where can I park? Shavertown United Methodist Church has two lots; one directly across from the church on Pioneer Avenue – the Edward W Hall Parking Lot (including handicapped) and one for overflow parking past the cemetery on the right, the Aicher Parking Lot, at our pavilion area.  We also have one handicapped parking space on the same side of the street as the church in the driveway.

Where do I enter the church? Crossing the street from the parking lot, there are two entrances — one has a handicapped ramp; the other is to the right of the ramp.

There are greeters as you enter who can help you find your way. Upon entering the sanctuary you will be welcomed and handed a bulletin that will give you all the information you will need to participate in the worship service. It will also include our weekly announcement sheet and prayer guide. You may also request the following from an usher: large print hymnal, large print bulletin, hearing device.

Is Shavertown UMC wheelchair accessible? Yes! The sanctuary is wheelchair accessible and a lift is available to the office, lounge and restrooms. A separate entrance on Center Street is used for Social Hall accessibility. 

When is worship and what should I expect? We have two opportunities to worship:

  • Saturday at 5:30 PM is a smaller, less formal worship (average attendance 40-50)  with prayers, a message, and hymns.
  • Sunday at 9:30 AM is traditional worship (average attendance 200) that includes our choirs and a message for children and is multi-generational.

What should I wear? We have no dress code! Suits or jeans, wear whatever you feel comfortable in as you worship God.

Will I be recognized during the service as a visitor? You will not be asked to stand up or to wear a red ribbon, but you may be greeted and welcomed by any number of our church family. A connection card will be found in the pew rack and we would ask that you fill it out so we can get to know you better.  You may place it in the offering plate during the offering or hand it to an usher.

Are children welcomed in worship? We love children and consider them a vital part of our church family. Click here to learn more about our children’s ministry. There are children’s worship bags in the back of the sanctuary that will help your child connect with the service. We have a rocking chair available if you need one during the worship service.  During worship, there is a “Time for All Children” when children are welcomed to come to the front of the church for their own special message and treat.

Is there a nursery available? Yes, we have Safe Sanctuary trained nursery staff available for infants to 4 years old or your babies and toddlers may remain with you in worship.  An usher can direct you to nursery care.

When do you celebrate Holy Communion and can I participate? We practice open communion so all are welcome to the Table of Grace. You do not need to be a member of Shavertown United Methodist Church to participate. Your children are welcome to share in Holy Communion.  Those with limited mobility are encouraged to notify an usher to direct the servers to bring communion to wherever you are seated. Communion is served on the first weekend of the month.

More questions? Please contact us.